The Story Behind Soliha

SOLIHA - My story

I woke up one glorious, sunny morning in 2010 and opened my eyes. My husband was sleeping next to me and my two children slept in the next room. Everything was set for a beautiful day. I had everything I needed in life, healthy children, a loving husband, plenty of food, a wardrobe full of clean clothes, our car safely parked in the garage, the sun shining through my windows.

I tried to get up as I did every morning and then it hit me. Nothing happened. My body didn’t react or, more precisely, it refused to react. My brain wouldn’t give the simplest of instructions. In front of me there was nothing.

Panic rose. How will I manage to get through the day? What about the housework? How will the children get to school? My work? Where should I start? Why should I start? What if I simply don’t start and just dissolve? Give up on everyday survival and just watch it all, helpless and shapeless on the bed.

These thoughts were very comforting but something in my head brought me wide awake. What are you thinking? There was no logic in my feelings and that scared me.

I don’t remember how I made it through that day. I do remember that I realised I was exhausted and I knew I had to fight - fight without doctors and tablets, the natural way.

But where to start? I learned that our energy comes from the body’s electromagnetic field and increasing numbers of external fields- from computers, wifi, phones- disturb our balance and leave us unsettled, nervous, exhausted. But how do you limit time on computers in the modern world? It means taking education away, contact with friends away, it just doesn’t work. And even if you do succeed what about the things you can’t control such as wifi?

I was recommended a medical advisor who explained how to balance energy and to use Screentex fabrics to help. At first, I too was sceptical- a fabric? I quickly changed my opinion, the fabric helped bring a feeling of relief, calm, balance. And I didn’t keep this to myself. Soon my family and friends started to use the fabric for many ailments – from headaches, through colds to insomnia.

It is seven years after that day in 2010. I now have 4 children, the same husband and a focus on energy and   balance- the starting place for wellbeing and happiness. I wanted to share this gift with others and so with  Soliha products, I decided to make practical, comfortable and attractive products to help others. I hope you   find ideas and products here that help you in the way I was helped.

 Be well!



                     Open your SOul

                              See the LIght

                                     Feel the HArmony


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